1984 ford 3910 tractor. 36 qts 34 l 3 point hitch. Used 1984 ford 3910 tractor for sale at joe welch equipment in caledonia mn. Ford 3910 tractor overview. Used 1984 ford model 3910 tractor serial c791732order ca454c unit 4c6b ford 3 cylinder dieselengine engine block heater horizontal exhaust high low 8 forward x 2 reverse manual transmission w live540 pto 2wd new 600 16 front and new 169 24 r1 reartires 1 ford rea.
Independent ptofront weights and chains serial n. Or complete the form below to send us an email. Call us today at 800 250 2073 for more information on this tractors. Position and top link draft control.
121 gal 458 l steering. Used 1984 ford model 3910 tractor serial c791732 order ca454c unit 4c6b ford 3 cylinder diesel engine engine block heater horizontal exhaust high low 8 forward x 2 reverse manual transmission w live 540 pto 2wd new 600 16 front and new 169 24 r1 rear tires 1 ford rear weights inside tires cat i three. Worlds best tree felling tutorial. Full engine details.
Independent ptofront weights and chains serial n. Way more information than you ever wanted on how to fell a tree. Ford 31l 3 cyl diesel. 13 gal 492 l hydraulic system.
Nice original city unit. Guilty of treeson recommended for you. 1984 ford 3910 tractors 40 hp to 99 hp nice original city unit. Independent ptofront weights and chains.
Call us today at 800 250 2073 for more information on this tractors. Used 1984 ford 3910 for sale in findlay ohio.